Alpha Q b cos (UR/18) n sec C2

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lego junkie

Wow been so long. So many things must have happened since the past 8 months in everyone's lives. Been a little lazy these days.

Did I tell u about my craze in Legos? No not the Leggo sultanas that u used to binge on when u were a kid.... but the toy bricks Lego. Yes, I am a self-professed Lego junkie now.... not a year ago, not even a decade ago. I remember loving them when I was young, playing them every day and night. At that time, I considered myself very lucky already, having more than just a few sets - mostly the small to medium ones. They were exorbitant and still are today by many standards.

Anyway, just thought I'd dropped in to write a little something. Just a few days back was just hanging out at Cathay's Starbuck while waited for show to start. Yes, alone thanks. Hmm what do you do when u r sipping coffee alone at starbux? Let's see, didn't have papers and I didn't have the latest wi-fi laptop to keep me entertained nor did I have the latest mobile phone to be seen talking into.

People-watching. Yep that's what I'd do and happily sink into. About 20 minutes more to kill.... surely I could see some of the world that I have been missing? How do ppl look like these days? What's the latest fashion to be seen around town? But mostly I was more dazed thinking about the night before. It was a good night nontheless and wondered what was to come next. Life's just funny ain't it? U either take full control and get everything you want or, sit back a little and let things progress naturally. The outcomes can be quite different, but the experience is more enriching for the latter I'm sure, though in the end you do pay a price for both.

So what kinda person are you?