Alpha Q b cos (UR/18) n sec C2

Thursday, May 18, 2006





to molest!

Hi.... I am bored. Kinda waiting for time to pass, for the morgen to kommen so that Ich can give my sax a blow. Last Sontag, I finally managed to get to meine saxaphone class, while my boss looked on with a black face... (no punt intended but he's a Southern Indian, hence the phrase "his face is blacker than black!").

You know its been 3 months since I worked on this swing shift thing and I have missed almost all my sax lessons. Something just has to come up whenever I try to leave on Sundays at 4pm. But yesterday I decided to practice... I really needed to be reaquainted with my instrument again. I have no problems with the guitar and the piano if I dun play for some time.... but the sax is a very personal instrument. I say this because it is the only instrument that depends solely on your mouth to execute its loudness or velocity, vibrato, beats, accents, bends & sustains where your fingers are the key/pitch selectors. Best is you can do a combination of these at the same time using just the mouth. No other music instrument can get the most direct sound from you. The sax, just like singing, relies on the coordinated efforts of our diaphragm and mouth shape. Hence when we listen to music coming from a sax, it is in essence the singing of its player that we hear, only via the manipulated effect of a sound tunnel, and of course...a singing that is void of words.

Technicalities aside... sometimes I just don't feel like playing it coz I'm outta mood. Who'd really sing when he/she's not in the mood to? Unwilful singing is an utter betrayal to the soul. In the case of the guitar, I would pick it up and play for a while even if I am not in the mood. Damn.. this way I ain't never gonna make it to under the bridge... maybe under the flyover of Sungei Kadut... if there is any. U need mojo to play this instrument!!! Oh well... juz a very sexy instrument that sleeps next to me and I have to wait till morgen to molest her. Bugger.