Alpha Q b cos (UR/18) n sec C2

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

To get wet or not to get wet?

An hour from now I have to get up and go to work. Did not sleep due to several reasons. One was because I did the night shift last nite, another being my head still hurts and I am uneasy about it. Not that it is killing pain, but just an uneasy pain. A little paranoid. I guess age does catch up somehow, when you start seeing tell tale signs of your body functions becoming less efficient. Just like machines - before a major failure on its subsystems, it sends out warnings and alarms, or even symptoms like noise, vibrations, defects etc. First rare, then intermittent, and finally every other day and hour. Well, if anything... nothing lasts forever.

Its raining now and I wonder how the heck am I going to get to work without getting wet on the head, whereon a 1.5 inch scar lies? I hate to bring umbrellas. Ouch my head hurts from thinking.


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