Alpha Q b cos (UR/18) n sec C2

Friday, May 06, 2005

8 Days

Today I have already worked 8 days in the company and it feels like already 8 weeks. Have attended operations training and yesterday and today I had my machine training. Damn a lot to learn still but there is currently no pressure on my side. Come Monday I will be going to attend another training which will be hosted in the East. The week after next I will go into shift and will only leave after 8:30 pm. This will last for 2 weeks. I am hoping that during that time I will be entitled to long weekend and will not be asked to come back. But like that I think I will rugi on a Vesak day holiday if it falls on the shift that I will be assigned to, even though there should be some monetary compensation for it.

Man, wish I was in the lounge playing whatever music I play, or mingling or poking fun at Chiang Wey, or heat up for you? I guess the luxury of time, space and freedom is sometimes taken for granted now as I think about it. But it was great time, one helluva 5 years that would bring me back for more eventually. Right now, Singapore life is not too glum itself. There's lotsa work to do, salary to (hopefully) accumulate, the kopitiams, staying closer to parents, seeing old friends etc etc.. But the mundaneness will get to me someday. And the ten bux that I spent in toto yesterday obviously didn't get me anywhere. I hope Allan has better luck than I have over here on Tatts. Am practising double hedging and am taking no chances (within my financial capability of course) at not hitting jackpots.

Working life is work, come home and then sleep. I am beginning to leave the company at 6:45 these few days not because I have a lot to do, but I always seem to miss the 5:45 bus :( Everytime I finish what I have to do, it's like 6 o'clock. Been having very little sleep these days. Well, anxiety, emotions, and weather gets to me... So, I wake up every morning feeling like shit and come home feeling like shit. Man I'm such a piece of shit.


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