Alpha Q b cos (UR/18) n sec C2

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Weeding at Turnbull Feb 2004

Had this urge to draw a few days back. Been wanting to do that for the longest time and finally I managed to draw. I have decided to draw out the things in my life that took place since months ago. Some things like weeding at Turnbull, playing piano at campus centre, jogging at Brighton just seem very much more alive when they are drawn by the first person (me) from the third person view (me again). Ever wonder how sometimes we get too caught up with the hype of the moment and never got to capture the moment with a Kodak digital? Then the moment is not shared and will never be until you menifest it in its rawest form - like drawing it out. Hehe, I am no piccasso or da vinci when it comes to drawing but I like seeing what I draw and that's all that matters.

This picture was the first that I drew, fresh in memory how hot it was. In it, Chiang Wey, Catherine and I were frantically (& helplessly) removing weed from the massive lawn of Turnbull. After 2 years of staying in that house, it was time for us to part ways, I had to go home and the remaining guys were reluctant to continue the lease. It had been a good 2 years though. And I was glad that all three of us were present in clearing the house and doing our part. It would have been much better if Byron was here too though, but that would be wishful thinking.

Neways, that day, we started at 10 o'clock, bought the gloves and some weeding tools at nearby Bunnings. I spent the first hour slashing rose branches in the backyard using a kitchen knife (we were desperate to get it done). Mind you we were 3 people determined to cut down an otherwise 400 dollar job as quoted by the lawn mower guy Ken. It was a day of 35 degrees or so, and we worked through to 5 p.m. Between, I had the chance of talking to Chiang Wey more personally about things that were going on in our lives. Bla bla...

I remember this day in my mind because it represented solidarity on the tenants of 24 Turnbull Avenue and also bcoz it was a fucking hot day to do the weeding. Nevertheless, we were on tight schedule and had not a day to waste to weather. Glad it was over but will cherish the day much for long.

Now, 2 weeks later, I am staying in Allan's place. Chiang Wey has had a series of bad luck with accomodation but thanks to Kee Hung, he's got a place to stay at the moment at the very least. Catherine has been happily settled into Rusden House, where she pays exorbitant rent, nevertheless staying in luxurious comfort in comparison to teh granny flat. For the moment I am happy. Publish this Furdelance, and let people know that we had, weeded on that hot late Summer day in Turnbull Avenue :)


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Furdelance said...

Thank u Charms


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