Alpha Q b cos (UR/18) n sec C2

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Howdy folks

HOwdy folks. Have been wanting to write some stuff but its just too slow with the 'high speed' internet I had in Turnbull. Neways am glad to inform the world that I already have my PR and am a free person. Well, as one door closes another opens and the Singapore grind beckons.

Am quite anxious to start work in Singapore. Can't say I love the stay there, sometimes the ppl there too get on my nerves...

Backtrack one week.... I was already settled in Allan's place and have been priveleged to experience the warmth a family.

2 weeks ago, I was still unsure of my future. That was PR-1 day, coz it was only a day before I was notified that I had successfully attained PR in Australia. What a relief. And on my birthday?? Johnny Howard sure has a good sense of humour. Whatever the case, I am just GLAD the wait was finally over.

3 weeks ago, I worried about my boat. That was CNY week. Oaky would have just gone home few days before. I had a hard time coming to grips with that. So many questions came to my mind. I mean lifes good here. Why leave? Personal reasons mostly.. Another reason which I never cared to mention to anyone (besides the bond, family, career etc.) is that I kinda yearn the competitionship in Singapore. Gotta admit, 5 years here as a student made me into the wussiest guy I've ever known myself to be. Where is my angst? My style? My complaining to YOUR manager attitude? Here in Australia, we try to be nice all round. Back home, do that and (arguably) you'll be devoured alive. NEh, maybe it's just my oversensitive and narrow outlook in life thats talking at the moment.

4 weeks ago... I was having the time of my life I guess. Although I had to sell boat, furniture, plan for house clearing, I had Oaky around. Let me say it was really great having your partner with you, and all we do is just enjoy life and do things together. I miss being together in this unreal Australian setting.

Back to the present. My only worry is when I will be able to sell my car. Have already advertised in MONADS. hopefully got a good buyer for Maggie. Frankly speaking, I value the car highly, but am prepared to sell it below par. I know I will never in the next few years drive a large car like Maggie, but I think fate will have us part for the time being. Keke... am considering a saxaphone in continuance of Maggie's legacy.. inscribed on it (ideally) is 'Maggie'. Sorry lah am just this sentimental fool that cannot bear to part with things I like. I'm telling myself, I sold Tight Lines for cheap, when even I felt for the loss. But after a while, was alright. Maggie on the other hand, had seen me through 4 years of my life. Watching her go is like losing a limb. Dramatic... <> That's better... Sigh... can feel my heart drop really...

Ok Furdelance, this is just another long entry that in another month I'll be saying "What did I write then?" Take care and bless all who believes in your force. "The furce is with you"


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