Alpha Q b cos (UR/18) n sec C2

Monday, September 06, 2004

Beware, see who's got the last finger now huh?

Today, work came as a surprise. At 9 plus in da morning, d recruitment agency called... said "We've just finished your reference check, there's job at Caulfield Racecourse requiring ppl ASAP. Work is until 4:30 pm." Before I could logically comprehend what time of da day it was (I had only slept for 2 hours b4 that), I agreed to it and promised I would roll there within 45 mins.

So I rushed everything to get there at 10 plus, and reported. The employer is an expo hiring company that had done a major job in the racecourse. Now we have to remove all the partition boards and load them onto an army of trucks. I had several other partners to work with, mostly from the same agency. It was quite a tough job, considering we had to carry boards of all sizes from 1st floor and cantilever it over the midway railings of the staircase (The staircase that we use to access exam halls).

Now what's ironic about working in Caulfied racecourse is that I thought I'd given it the finger with my last Business Systems paper, I think that would be Database. And I'd made some attempt to stay a lil longer then to take in the view, the feel of the racecourse turned exam hall for 3 weeks every semester, twice a year. For freakking four years, since 2000, I'd religiously (rather obligatedly) returned to this place of hourses and punters, to write down my future for 2 or 3 hours each.

I remember... my first paper in Caulfield (In all, I would have taken around 30 written exams at Caulfield), MEC3462 Systems and Control. I remember that I had to take a cab there because I was too late for the shuttle bus. Why? Because I took too long to decide whether I should go for any of my four papers at all that semester. Basically, you can imagine that after two years of work (without academia immersion), coupled by the enormous gap between Diploma and Degree, compounded onto my entry into the hardest semester/subjects in entire Mech eng degree... what are the freakking odds that I would pass anything leh? Besides throughout that semester I was just barely surviving the adaptation of new life (So I have always envied those ppl who had come direct to Deg with their A Levels or SAM). Back to the topic, I got nervous... never slept the night before coz I had procrastinated and succumbed to the call of Borgs (a la Startrek), which this Sri Lankan dude in Farer Halls watched from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. every night. Man what a loser (Me and the Sri Lankan dude)! Neways, 6 a.m. came, 7 a.m. then 8. Paper at 9:30 lor... Wanna know how much I'd studied? Zilch? Just for one subject Zilch? I wished. That semester, I painstakingly went for all four papers, knowing beyond doubt that they were beyond help... was like taking four stabs straight in the asss IN A WEEK! .. and got me 4 freakking N's. What a vigilante.

Today I looked back... with the exception of one MBS paper in 2003, I had never failed another paper, especially in Mech Eng. Because of that week, that eventful week that I had taken four stabs in 7 days that reminded me of the pain of non-action, pain of not studying, and eventual regret of ignorance and the pain of not taking pain at first. More significantly today is.... feels like the racecourse is giving me back the FINGER ooOoo. It's like taunting me, reminding me of those dark days... Oh yearh but before I left... I said "Lancaulah Caulfield". I know, I know, it's proly gonna say it back to me someday. Namai....

Gonna have guitar class again tday. Will teach Mr student Last Kiss. Chords to be used todays, ladies and germs, are none other than the classic "G Em C D" combo. Right now, my back sores hell.


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